13 Minimalistic Habits To Declutter Your Space

Antoaneta Tsocheva
5 min readFeb 11, 2021


Minimalism is becoming a trending topic in the general internet community nowadays. People seem to want to know what they need to maintain a minimalistic life while others are good at accumulating stuff, thinking that minimalists are stingy people.

I may be a minimalist, but then I am not a stingy person to myself because I also want the best out of life. So, the fact that I am discussing minimalism only makes me a minimalist and not a stingy person or miser.

Hello readers, you are highly welcome to this blog session. I have always made it a point of duty to release only relevant and useful content to those that subscribe to my channel, so I would urge you to subscribe to my channel and stay till the end of this blog to get a bonus tip. Subscribing to my channel and also joining my Facebook page will guarantee that you get all the new releases first-hand and you never have to miss out on anything interesting. Check out my ebook, “ How to Live a Minimalism Life “ to know more about minimalism.

In this particular blog, we will be looking at some of those habits you need to imbibe in other to be minimalistic and de-clutter your space, so if you are someone with a lot of stuff and you are thinking of ways to start getting rid of them, this one is just for you. So, what are those habits that help you declutter your space?

Here are the minimalistic habits to declutter your space:

Try the “Buy Nothing” groups

Now, the “Buy Nothing” group works on a very simple model. It works this way, and if you have something good but don’t need anymore, you can post it on the Buy Nothing group, and any person that sees it on the group and needs it will contact you to get it for free.

Spend more on experiences than items

Instead of buying items that may just occupy space and collect dust, it may be a wiser idea to just spend more on experiences and memories that will definitely last a lifetime and open you up to possible new opportunities.

Value quality over quantity

Buying one quality item is way more than buying ten inferior items. They just tend to occupy space that should be left empty or filled with more important items.

Clear out your surfaces

You do not need to have so many items on any empty surface just because you have space. You may want to just enjoy those empty surfaces if you wish to live a minimalistic life. Some are of the opinion that you can put anything you want on the surface as long as it is arranged. Well. It may be arranged, but the truth is it is still consuming some space, so try as much as possible to clear empty surfaces.

Try to enjoy empty space

Empty space does not mean it’s a bad thing or you cannot avoid stuff to put in there. It just means you like an empty space. In interior design terms, space can be wonderful.

Create a healthy budget

You do not need to be a big fan of math to have a healthy budget. Keeping tabs on your budget always goes a long way to minimize how you acquire items. There are some items that people buy just for the price or beauty and not because they are useful. With a good budget, you will be able to understand that you do not need such items in your life.

Spend less on cleaning products

Visiting a grocery store, or mall would expose you to a ton of cleaning products you think you might need. Well, the good news is you do not need all of these products. You only need a few, and a true minimalist may even want to settle with eco-friendly products because they are cost-effective and also would not take up all the space in your home.

Avoid second-guessing

By second-guessing, I mean thinking too hard before getting rid of some items. Chances are if you thought about it too hard, it was not really useful, and maybe you should just put it away.

Get rid of high volume items

Some find it a little difficult to grasp the idea of high volume items. Well, let me give you some instances. If you are a lover of magazines, you may acquire one or two every month. By the end of the year, if you look at the place you store magazines, you would see at least twelve of them. By the next tear, it would be at least twenty-four. By the end of four years, the magazines would have turned into high-volume items. The same thing goes with children’s artwork, working equipment, etc. Instead of the one in — one out rule, try the one in — two out rule: One in — one out rule helps you keep things balanced but the one in — two out rule may help to actually declutter your space since you are adding one item and removing two. It always gets rid of unwanted items and guarantees your space.

Use your money to help startups

Anytime you see a cause that you are passionate about, support with your money. It may be political, environmental, or educational. In fact, if you want to get an item and there is a company you are passionate about helping to produce it, try to get it from them.

You need to make minimalism a lifestyle

Decluttering is not a one-time event so you cannot just clear out your space once and believe you are not a minimalist. You have to make it a lifestyle for it to count. Keep decluttering and using only what you need.

Always remember to recycle some of the items

You can always use one item for more than one purpose instead of buying different items.

Giving is living

Whenever you declutter, give the items to those in need. It may go a long way.

Bonus tip

Consumption and everyday shopping should not be a way of life

Most times, people shop just out of boredom. Others go to where they spend more money than they planned because it has already become their lifestyle. It should not be so for a minimalist because minimalists always opt to spend on what they believe is important and would not outlive its usefulness pretty quickly.

Now, you know some things about minimalistic habits, do you feel the need to declutter when you look around you? If so, feel free to do so. Like and share the blog, drop comments, and questions, and most importantly, do not forget to subscribe to my channel and join my Facebook page for more interesting content.

© Lifestyle Tips by Antoaneta

Originally published at https://lifestyletipsbyantoaneta.com on February 11, 2021.



Antoaneta Tsocheva
Antoaneta Tsocheva

Written by Antoaneta Tsocheva

Entrepreneur and eco-friendly enthusiast. I’m on a green mission to clean up the way we live. Share the passion — follow my journey now! http://bit.ly/2FloQoQ

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