5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Smartphone Radiation
Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of questions concerning mobile phones, Wi-Fi devices and their emissions. Considering the number of questions that you guys have on the subject, I think that it’s about time I wrote a blog post about it.
I’d like to begin today’s article with a short disclaimer. As most of my frequent readers probably know already, I am not a medical professional, and therefore, most of the health and wellness information that I can give you is based upon my own research and experience. I can, however, give you one indisputable fact here — your health is not something you want to gamble with! You should always try to get as much information as possible on any given subject that interests you but remember that the Internet is not your doctor. Always consider the opinion of your certified medical professionals before attempting treatments or applying critical lifestyle changes.
What is Smartphone Radiation
In our day-to-day lives, we find ourselves exposed to a multitude of RF fields — TV and radio broadcasts, telecommunication facilities, microwave ovens, wireless computer networks (WiFi) smart meters, alarms and even remote controls. The closer you are to these devices while they operate, the more severe your exposure could be. And while the average RF level for most appliances in your home is rather low, you would want to spend as little time as possible near them.
Smartphone radiation, in particular, has turned into somewhat of a hot topic in the tech fields recently, as it can pose some real dangers to your health if you aren’t careful. According to cancer.org this type of radiation can be linked to various tumorous cases, and the amount of Specific Absorption Rate (or SAR, for short) of your smartphone should definitely be taken into consideration before purchase. Measured in watts per kilogram (W/kg), SAR is used in determining the amount of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, absorbed by our bodies whenever we use a wireless device.
The good news is that every single smartphone model has its own specific SAR value, and finding it is usually as easy as consulting with the manufacturer’s website or checking out a couple of online reviews! The higher the SAR value is, the more chances of getting exposed to harmful ration.
How to protect yourself from mobile phone emissions:
- Look at Samsung phones first — and, no, I’m not affiliated with Samsung in any way. It’s simply that, especially if you’re looking to purchase a new model, Samsung products tend to be the least harmful of the bunch. On the other hand, some of the more recent Huawei models are on the exact opposite end of the spectrum!
- Use Wired Headphones — smartphones emit the most radiation while you’re in a call and using a hands-free device can significantly alleviate the risks of exposure.
- Invest in an Anti-Radiation case — affordable and widely available, anti-radiation cases dampen the effects of smartphone emissions
- Don’t keep the phone close to your body — if you aren’t actively using your phone, avoid keeping it close to your body. In fact, the less time you spend using it, the better. And yes, it sounds like it kind of defeats the purpose, but it’s true! Better safe than sorry!
- Keep your phone away from your bed at night — In addition to all of the reasons listed above, smartphone emissions can also mess with the quality of your sleep at night. Try placing your phone as far away from your bed as possible. As an added benefit, this will make waking up just to turn off the alarm that much harder!
Never use electronics before bed
Here’s what happens to your brain if you use electronic devices before going to sleep.
The short- wavelength artificial light, emitted by the screens of electronic devices suppresses your body’s ability to release melatonin — the sleep hormone. This will not only make falling asleep harder, giving you less time to rest, but will also reduce the overall quality of your sleep. And if you haven’t had enough shut-eye, you’re going to wake up groggy and tired.
And, even though a large portion of brands have made the switch to light filters that are meant to circumvent this issue, there’s also the psychological response, triggered by watching movies, reading your emails and visiting various internet platforms. This is an extensive topic, deserving a post of its own, but, long story short, going on the Internet before bed will raise your alertness to unadvisable levels, delaying your bedtime and messing with your sleep pattern.
Over time, the combination of the above factors will lead to sleep deficiency, reduce your productivity, and overall enjoyment of life.
Speaking of electronics and sleep quality, I’d advise you to also:
- Limit your exposure to light before going to bed — The lighter the environment, the harder it will be for you to relax and naturally drift towards sleep mode.
- Don’t get involved in stimulating digital activities at night — No video games, dramatic TV series or social media posting after dinner!
- Stop using electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed! — Step away from your computer and put away the smartphone at least half an hour before bedtime.
- Use Do Not Disturb Mode — All modern devices have a Do Not Disturb mode. It’s time to start using it.
- Turn off electronics while you sleep! — Your laptop or desktop don’t need to be running while you’re not using them.
- Keep the Wi-Fi device far away from your bedroom! — Ideally, you want it as far away from your bedroom as possible and turned off during the night. This is because Wi-Fi devices emit Electromagnetic Frequency radiation (or EMF radiation for short), which affects the pineal gland. Our bodies perceive EMF radiation in a way, very similar to that of light. It tricks the pineal gland into producing less melatonin (the hormone responsible for sleep regulation and circadian rhythm), directly impacting the quality of our sleep.
And that about wraps it up as far as the basics of staying safe around RF radiation sources go. Of course, there is a lot more information on the subject out there. If you’re interested in this topic, you might want to have a look at the studies I used to write this article — I’ll leave the links below.
Were you aware of the dangers of RF radiation? How much time do you spend on your phone throughout the day? What about at night? Do you usually turn your laptop off before going to bed? As always, if you think that I’ve missed something, please let me know in the comments below! And, if you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to give it a like and share it with your friends! Till next time — stay green and clean!
Originally published at https://lifestyletipsbyantoaneta.com on May 2, 2019.