Best Time To Invest
Are you wondering whether you should keep investing in the stock market or wait for the stock market to crash, then start buying? You want to be sure if this is the best time to invest in the stock market …..right? Then stay tuned to get amazing insight.
Hello readers, and welcome to this blog edition. My name is Antoaneta, and I am so glad to be here again today. In my platform, there is a lot of content about financial freedom and the general lifestyle. So, I was hoping you could take out time to subscribe to my platform, where you will see other related content. My ever-expanding Facebook community needs your presence, so please join my Facebook page to get complete information about whatever is happening on my platform.
So, let’s go back to business. Regarding the best time to buy a particular stock, the answer is so simple. Often, the media has fed many of us with baits that try to direct us in a specific direction. You might see a troll that says; you’ve missed out on a particular stock by failing to buy at a particular period.
You can see the best time you should buy a particular stock from the short-run and long-run angles. If you look at it in the short-run perspective, then the saying you’ve missed out might be true. However, if you’re looking at businesses in the long term view, let’s say three, five, or ten years to come, you only need to ask yourself these simple questions; is this a good company, and will this company be larger in the future than it is today? If the answer to that question is yes, then more often than not, the stock price will also show that over the long term and will also increase regardless of if the stock price has already gone up massively in the future or not.
The bottom line is that, if you can justify the valuation, then the stock price will most likely be higher in the future. Great stocks and great businesses will keep getting more expensive. So if you’re looking at a company like Amazon and you’re like, I wish I got into amazon at a thousand dollars per share, and now it’s a three thousand dollars per share, you’re probably going to say the same thing in a couple of years when amazon is, for example, five thousand dollars per share and you’re like, I wish I got into amazon at 3000 per share. That’s just how it works.
And if you look historically at good businesses and their stock prices, you’ll see that they have periods where they decline, go sideways, and there’s pretty much no returns on those stocks.
But when the market has those stocks in favor and investors are heavily buying into those stocks, those stocks start rallying rapidly. And that’s when a lot of people start coming into the market.
One piece of advice that I will give you here is that you shouldn’t listen to these trolls on the media that say; oh, it’s too late to buy into so and so stock. Because if you’ve done your due diligence and if you believe that you know this business is going to be more prominent in the future, become more relevant, earn more money, have more revenue and more free cash flow and that, it’s just going to be a better business in the future. Then it makes sense to consider buying into that if the current market cap is still cheaper than what you expect it to be in the future.
Regarding the stock market, there are three-point I want you to know.
These Points to Invest in Stock Market are:
No One Can Time The Market
Not I nor Elon Musk can time the market. And that’s the reality. And because of this, it’s impossible to predict if it’s better to invest now or later.
There’s no point in waiting to invest if you find a company that has solid fundamentals and is valued. It’s better to invest any time you find a good stock because the market won’t wait for anyone.
The bottom line is that you shouldn’t time the market. If you find reasonable valuations in stocks that you’re interested in, that’s a good buying opportunity.
It’s Impossible Time A Market Crash
It’s impossible to predict when a stock is about to crash. So, it’s best to set an all cost average and make sure your cost basis will be slightly higher than the stock’s bottom.
Good Business Will Continue To Thrive
Regardless of what the market is doing, regardless of whether we’re in a global issue, good businesses will continue to outperform over the long term.
In conclusion; my answer to the question is that you should be investing in great companies as soon as possible if the valuation is sensible. You don’t need to wait for the stock market crash because there’s, you never can time the market, which means you will have to wait for so long.
So, instead of waiting too long for a market crash, you don’t want to get caught up with the day-to-day movements of trolls, you can start buying a little bit of the companies that you are interested and believe that they will grow in the next few years
Just stick to your convictions, research, and due diligence, and that will pay off over time.
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Originally published at on March 30, 2021.