Productivity — 15 Time Management Rules To Make Life Easier
Most people struggle with productivity and how to make sense of their lives. It just might have been for different reasons, but as they say, there is no excuse for failure. If you are one of these people, this blog was specially tailored to suit your needs.
Hello readers, my name is Antoaneta, and once again, I am here on this edition to present something you will definitely love. I will be discussing fifteen productivity rules to make you rich, make life easier for you and better your time management.
For years, people have used these productivity rules to get a head start in life. Do you have a pen and paper with you? If yes, please start writing down these rules so you can make your life so much easier and more profitable. So, hop onto the train with us and enjoy a ride of a lifetime.
The 100: 10: 3 investing rule:
This is more investment inclined. It mainly applies to real estate investments for those who are into it. And, if you are new to real estate investment and want to buy a property, here is a basic rule you should know and live by. Out of a hundred properties, you may find to buy, there are about ten good deals among them.
Out of the ten good deals, you may get three great offers among them, but the bottom line is that only one will be chosen. If you are sure the property would yield a lot of returns, repeat the process. This should be the foundation of your real estate principle because rushing into things will make you lose money.
The 10: 10: 10 productivity rule:
This rule is also associated with priority and decision making and is used by many investors to make their next move. Whenever something is trying to stress you out, take a minute to ask yourself this question, how would I feel about this thing in the next ten minutes, and then ten hours, and ultimately in the next ten years?
When you have carefully pondered over this question, you will see that not everything is worth the stress. A choice you make now might seem good in ten minutes and suck in ten-month or ten years. I believe the reverse may also be the case, so you need to think carefully before taking an important decision.
The 100-hour rule:
This productivity rule stresses the need to prioritize everything you do in life. To make this rule easier to understand, take this example. If you are given 100 hours to make investments in three buckets, what you are good at, what you are average at, and what you are bad at, how would you spend the hours?
A smart person would definitely choose to invest most if not all the hours in what they are good at. Focus on those things you are better at, and get better in it, as every other thing will lead to you stuck in average or losing.
The YOU CUT — I PICK rule:
This rule applies to just about everything, business, social, and family lives. Using a real-life family situation, for example, imagine two of your kids that are about the same age fighting over a slice of cake they both claim are theirs, as someone who knows this rule, the best way to solve the problem is letting one of them share the cake in two halves and letting the other one pick.
This is one of the smartest tricks to minimize risks and maximizes risks simultaneously. The result of this trick is a perfect cut, and it results in a win-win situation. It was even cited indirectly in Genesis, chapter thirteen of the Christian holy book.
It is the most important rule in the world and forms the core principle of decency and religion. “Do unto others what you would want them to do unto you.” In other words, love others as you love yourself. Help others, and you will get help in return.
The Money = Time rule:
You must have heard people say time is money a million times. Compare your Money literally to your hours of work. If you earn $10 an hour and you want to buy a $150 watch, ask yourself this question, is that watch worth all those hours of your time? This question makes people see material things differently.
The 80/20 rule:
This rule goes this way; 20 per cent of your action produces 80 per cent of your result. It is applicable to every area of life. Once you are familiar with this rule, every other thing falls into place.
The Left-Hand rule:
This rule applies more to social life than business life. When you are in a social gathering, try to always keep things in your left hand because you may not know who you meet, and the first impression matters a lot.
The 5 AM rule:
Most successful people have something in common; they wake up very early and try not to sleep more than six hours per night. Whenever you begin to encounter problems, try two things, work more, and learn more, and I promise you these things will not fail you. This is how I start my day, according to something I read online.
I wake up by 5 AM in the morning and split my first hour of the day into three sections. The first twenty minutes are for exercise to kick start the body, the next twenty minutes are for learning a new thing, and the last twenty minutes are for planning my day. By 6 AM, I am ready to go. It may work for you too if you try.
This rule is more about time-management but is pretty much straightforward and self-explanatory. If it takes just two minutes to get something done, do it. Do not postpone something that can be done immediately. Procrastination is a killer of success.
If a task is so difficult, give it just two minutes of full concentration, and you may end up finishing it. This is fairly true because studies show that starting a task is the hardest part.
The Apology rule:
Everyone makes mistakes, so you should always be ready to apologize when you are wrong. A true apology has 3 parts; acknowledge how wrong you are and how it may have affected the outcome or person, say you are sorry, and then describe what you plan to fix things or prevent it from happening again. It helps to give fewer excuses and take responsibility. There is more trust built by sincere apologies.
The Coin rule:
You should not decide your fate by just tossing a coin. Yes, I might suggest you flip a coin before you make a decision, but there is a catch. That thing your gut is wishing to be the outcome is the choice I would suggest you make. Great things are never left to chance. I believe you already knew the choice you wanted to make even before flipping the coin.
The 10,000 Hours rule:
This time-management rule simply states that to master any principle or skill, you need to invest at least 10,000 hours of your time into it. This could be split into whatever way you want it, but you need to have spent at least this amount of time to be called a master in that field. No matter your age or when you start, this time will help you reach your goals.
The Odd Time productivity rule:
Do you have people that never keep time? This rule is for you. I adopted the odd time rule, instead of the O’clock time. If I have a meeting with someone, I will fix the time for 2:44 PM instead of 3:00 PM. It started making people more conscious, and it works in every area of life.
The Stay Poor — Be Rich rule:
It is a simple rule and is very practical in real life. The more time a person spends living like they own little despite having more, the more wealth they accumulate in the long run. The difference between the rich getting richer and the rich losing wealth is how they control spending.
Even if you experience a breakthrough, keep a cool head and double down on your investments instead of showing off wealth. It is similar to delayed gratification for the entrepreneurs and the rich.
I do hope you took your pen and paper and jotted down all of these productivity rules. These are rules that apply to almost every real-life application, and I would have for you to make any mistake that could have been avoided by sticking by these rules.
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