Treating Flu With Ginger-Garlic Soup
Some recent research has shown that Ginger-Garlic soups (made with about fifty-two cloves of garlic) like the widely popular thyme, lemon, and onions are treating flu, common colds, and even noroviruses.
Good day and welcome to yet another edition of our frequently updated blog posts. We at Healthy LifeSide are so concerned with your health that we make it our duty to always bring to your knowledge some helpful health tips.
We think it is safe to say that garlic is one of the healthiest foods you can find on earth. It is also widely known for its ability in treating flu and destroy viruses, thanks to one of its key chemical components, allicin. Check out my other blogs, such as “The Best High-Fibre Foods for Your Daily Intake“.
What are the amazing effects of allicin and how does it treating flu?
Due to the presence of this chemical component, allicin, garlic has become almost a hundred times as effective as some popular antibiotics, which we have grown to know can fight off diseases and illnesses.
When garlic is minced, the chemical component alliin changes to allicin. This allicin has been known to prevent blood clots, lower high cholesterol levels, and even blood pressure according to current researches.
Garlic has also been known to reduce the hardening of arteries, which is commonly known as atherosclerosis. Garlic is also effective against diarrhea and digestive ailments. Even early treatments of cancers can be done by this wonderful herbal substance.
It is also rather unfortunate that the big pharmaceuticals around the world do not want to carry out advanced research to find out more answers because there is nothing in garlic that can be patented, packaged, or sold at a profit.
Fun facts: Ancient Egyptians recommended garlic for about 22 ailments. Even laborers that built the pyramids ate it to stay healthy and increase stamina. Even the ancient Greeks used it to cure infections, blood disorders, insect bites, and even leprosy. The Romans used it to improve the endurance of soldiers and sailors. Also, from the middle ages, garlic has been known for treating flu. Even the Russians called it “Russian penicillin”.
Garlic as a drug increases the overall levels of antioxidants in the body. It can make one stay healthy by boosting T-cells in the bloodstream. Allicin, which contributes to bad breath and is the most active ingredient in garlic is a widely known infection killer. It causes dilation of blood vessels, improving blood flow, and reducing cardiovascular problems.
It has also been known to fight tooth decay and gum diseases by simply gargling with garlic water.
What are the best ways to prepare garlic?
Some say it is better to bake the cloves while others say that peeling it and letting it sit uncovered for a while would make it effective. One bowl is more than a healthy meal. The ingredients include 26 organic unpeeled garlic cloves, two teaspoons of olive oil, two teaspoons of organic butter, half a teaspoon of cayenne powder, half cup of fresh ginger, two and a half cups of sliced onions, one and a half teaspoons of chopped fresh thyme, 26 peeled organic garlic cloves, half cup of coconut milk, three and a half cups of organic vegetable broth, four lemon wedges.
First, heat the oven to 350 Fahrenheit, put the 26 garlic cloves in a baking dish. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Toss to coat. Cover the dish tightly with a foil and bake it till the garlic turns golden brown and tender, which is about 45 minutes. Cool it, squeeze the garlic between your fingertips to release the cloves. Transfer the cloves to a small bowl, and melt the butter.
Add the thyme, ginger, onions, and cayenne powder and cook till the onions are translucent, which should take about 6 minutes. Add roasted garlic and 26 garlic cloves and cook for about 3 minutes, add vegetable broth. Cover the mixture and simmer for 20 minutes till the garlic is tender.
Blender it until it is smooth, return the soup to a saucepan, and add coconut milk. Steam it to simmer and season with pepper and sea salt for more flavor. Squeeze some lemon into a bowl of the soup and serve. It can be prepared ahead of the day you want to use it. Just cover and refrigerate for preservation. Rewarm and stir with medium heat occasionally.
Treating flu is not as difficult as we think, especially with this recipe. So, if this was helpful, please like and share this post. Also, subscribe to our channel and drop your views and comments.
Recommended for further reading:
- Perfect Health
- How Not To Die: Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease
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