Why Are Tesla Stocks Falling, And Could They Rise Again?

Antoaneta Tsocheva
5 min readFeb 25, 2021

Some people believe that Tesla stocks are falling. Others think that the stocks are probably doing nothing. Well, the truth is that even though there are more bulls than bears for Tesla, things are not too rosy right now for a Tesla investor. This blog is by no means encouraging you to sell any of the positions you have in Tesla. It just aims to discuss what is happening right now with Tesla in the stock market.

So, we will be discussing why it is falling but let us start from the beginning. Remember that the past year was not so great generally for investors, but Tesla did extremely well. Their stock prices shot higher and higher even with the economic problems that came with the pandemic. It was all smiles for Tesla investors as they kept making massive returns. The reverse is the case as Tesla stocks are not doing so well while other stocks are beginning to thrive. You should note that Tesla stocks are not doing so badly, but they should just be doing better than they are doing right now.

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Will Tesla stocks rise again?

Despite the setbacks that they have been experiencing for some time, we believe that Tesla stocks are beginning to make a lot more sense and things are getting more exciting. After checking all their plans, conferences, and shareholder’s meeting with the CEO Elon Musk, it can be concluded that the company is heading somewhere, and there may be a positive projection in the future. The company is making more and more innovative moves worldwide, new technologies and new companies being launched all over; the bottom line is that Tesla is putting in all the groundwork and reaping the fruits.

With all the projections, it can be concluded that Tesla will be racking up billions of dollars in the next few years. When Tesla broke into the market, their stocks had lower prices, but due to their advancements, now the prices are getting higher. As they advance technologically, their stock prices may also begin to become more appealing to other investors. The growth revenues from the car business were used to make the projections, and they are phenomenal. Imagine adding the revenues they will generate from other sections of their business.

Tesla is going somewhere soon. Even though things may not be so great right now, all you need to do is look at the bigger picture. With all these investments, expansions, and political advancements, a long-term investor is bound to reap all the good benefits in the end. It should also be noted that the projections made are not based on hope; it is simply based on what we have seen so far and its capabilities. So, we are basically working with what we have seen them do and the plans they have set up for the future.

Knowing that the stocks are volatile, there is a big chance that they will drop maybe a little before springing overboard and making people millionaires in the stock market. When the little dip occurs as we project it would, most smart investors will be at the forefront of investors looking to buy more stocks. As we discussed earlier, there is no sentiment and bias on our side, and considering all the projections we have made, Tesla is bound to be a trillion-dollar company in the next few years, and many investors should be excited at this prospect.

Investors that got into Tesla sometime in 2018, 2019 and those that got in during the dip period in 2020 are not planning to sell their stocks anytime soon. This is because most of them also see the vision and mission of the multi-million dollar company.

Going back to the main question, why are Tesla stocks falling? Well, to be frank, there may be no distinctive answer to that. The only thing we can assume is that maybe it went up too fast. Stocks are not meant to go higher and higher all the time. The market is termed “volatile” because there is always a rise and fall in stock prices, which is why the market graphs are never in straight lines. So, there is no need for fear and panic amongst investors. Tesla is only experiencing a bit of irregularity in the market, and it happens to every company at different points in time. So, as a wise investor, try to see it as a consolidation phase for Tesla. Look at it this way, most companies and individuals are full of regret for not getting into Tesla earlier. If they notice a percentage dip in prices, they are more likely to get back into the investment, which is why the stocks would rise again.

In conclusion, Tesla stocks maybe a little down now, but as long-term investors, we should just believe that because of the plans and innovations that Tesla is putting in place, the stock prices are sure to rise in the long run.

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© Lifestyle Tips by Antoaneta

Originally published at https://lifestyletipsbyantoaneta.com on February 25, 2021.



Antoaneta Tsocheva

Entrepreneur and eco-friendly enthusiast. I’m on a green mission to clean up the way we live. Share the passion — follow my journey now! http://bit.ly/2FloQoQ